Advantage Grain

Marketing Case Study

Advantage Grain have multiple grain marketing programs and payment options for wheat, barley and canola farmers.  They needed help getting their commodity price information onto their website in an easily digestible way.

The Challenge

Our Work

The Value

The commodity pricing data lived in a closed, custom built data platform on the Advantage Grain network which was accessible to the internal team, but to make this data available to the public website, internal staff members had to manually copy and paste the data into multiple PDF templates.  They then had to export these individual PDFs and manually upload to the website for download.  It was a very time consuming task and did not allow users to compare pricing very easily across multiple sites.

We first built Advantage Grain a brand new, mobile friendly website as their old site was not performing at all well.  We then worked with their internal IT team to help export the commodity pricing data in a format that could be consumed and displayed client-side in the user's browser, whilst also offering simple navigation and filtering options to make it easy to find the zone and commodity pricing the user was after.  Persistant storage also allows for the user to save their filters for subsequent visits.

By building a custom pricing display widget, that automatically loads the latest ESR pricing data, we were able to eliminate manual handling internally at Advantage Grain, saving both time and money.  

The new pricing widget has much more flexibility than the old PDF downloads, making it more useful and user friendly.

Advantage Grain were looking to bring commodity price data from their internal data sources onto their public website.

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